Privacy Policy2019-10-01T09:25:18+02:00


GÓMEZ OSUNA is committed to professional secrecy regarding the data you provide, as well as any other information and / or documentation that you may send or send to us, regardless of its format and the means in which it is made.

GDPR clause for the fulfillment of the informative duty

GÓMEZ OSUNA is committed to professional secrecy regarding the data you provide, as well as any other information and / or documentation that you may send or send to us, regardless of its format and the means in which it is made.

GDPR clause for the fulfillment of the informative duty

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, we inform you that we will process your personal data in order to:

Provide or deliver the contracted service or product, and inform you about the products or services published on our website.

The use by Users of our website implies the express consent of the use, treatment and transfer of your data to GÓMEZ OSUNA

The personal data provided will be kept, as long as the commercial relationship is maintained, its deletion is not requested by the interested party, or for 1 year from the last confirmation of interest, or for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations. The company will NOT make automated decisions. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation and we will process it based on your consent or execution of a contract.

Likewise, we inform you of the possibility of exercising the following rights over your personal data: right of access, rectification, deletion or forgetting, limitation, opposition, portability and withdraw the consent given, for this you can send an email to: info @ mjosuna. com

In addition, the interested party may contact the competent Data Protection Control Authority to obtain additional information or file a claim.

Identification data of the person in charge:

Gómez Osuna S.L. B92544519
Teléfono:(+34) 619 207943
Correo electrónico: